GSOC 2016 coding period  will be starting from tomorrow and I am super excited to begin. My experience with community was amazing. The amount of stuff we learn is directly proportional to  our interaction with community.

During this one month of community bonding I was involved with community though scrum meetings. I volunteered as a Scrum Leader and it was great learning experience. I got to know what everyone was working on.

I spent most of the time in going though the Spring Documentation and DHIS2 web-api developers manual. I took a course on Spring Framework and one course on Hibernate framework. I also worked on a Ticket(DRM-7) , which lets user to check connection between OpenMRS and DHIS2.

When I was half way into the community bonding period, I had a meeting with my mentors. Maurya and James refined my ideas about the project objectives. It was a very informative and inspiring session. They encouraged me to ask more questions and get the doubts cleared.

Objectives Of Project (From User’s Perspective) 

  1. Check the connection between OpenMRS and DHIS2.
  2. Click a single button like “Generate and Upload XML”, this will automatically import Report Definition XML from DHIS2 implementation.
  3. User can map his location according to DHIS2 instance.

Objectives Of Project (From My Perspective) 

  1. Implement the features mentioned in above in Objectives Of Project (From User’s Perspective) .
  2.  Work on Module Enhancement Tickets.
  3. Write extensive unit tests for the module.
  4. Documentation of the work.

I will be updating about my project though these blogs on weekly basis. I will continue to participate in scrum meetings and developers meeting.

Looking forward to a great learning experience.